5.2 Send user events to Moloco Commerce Media

To send marketplace user events to Moloco Commerce Media, you must send a POST API request to the user event API with your platform ID as in the following example. Moloco will provide your {platform_name} and {platform_id}.


The request header must include your API key as in the following example.

"Content-Type": "application/json"
"X-API-Key": "{api_key}"



Your request body must be in JSON object format. You can include the following properties in the request body. For more information, see the User Event API reference.

To enable API integration testing, Moloco provides two platform_ididentifiers one for testing and one for actual ingestion. Using the test platform_id, you may send test requests and receive test responses.

The User Event API client GitHub repository contains detailed request format examples based on a code library implemented with JavaScript/TypeScript.

Sending ADD_TO_CART event

// This example is for reporting your events server-to-server (S2S).
import { client } from '../common/event-api-client';
import usParser from 'ua-parser-js';

const { session, headers } = req;
const ua = usParser(headers['user-agent']);

  id: randomString(),
  eventType: 'ADD_TO_CART',
  timestamp: Date.now(),
  channelType: 'SITE',
  userId: session.user.id,
  device: {
    os: ua.os.name,
    osVersion: ua.os.version,
    model: ua.device.model,
    ip: req.socket.remoteAddress,
  items: [
      id: product.id,
      price: product.salePrice
      quantity: product.quantity,
  pageId: `CATEGORY_HOME_PAGE:${categoryId}`,
  referrerPageId: `PRODUCT_DETAIL_PAGE:${productId}`,

Sending PURCHASE event

  id: randomString(),
  eventType: 'PURCHASE',
  timestamp: Date.now(),
  channelType: 'SITE',
  userId: session.user.id,
  device: {
    os: ua.os.name,
    osVersion: ua.os.version,
    model: ua.device.model,
    ip: req.socket.remoteAddress,
  items: products.map((product) => ({
    id: product.id,
    price: product.salePrice,
    quantity: product.quantity,
  revenue: {
    currency: 'USD',
    amount: totalAmount,
  referrerPageId: 'CART_PAGE',

Sending ITEM_PAGE_VIEW event

  id: randomString(),
  eventType: 'ITEM_PAGE_VIEW',
  timestamp: Date.now(),
  channelType: 'SITE',
  userId: session.user.id,
  device: {
    os: ua.os.name,
    osVersion: ua.os.version,
    model: ua.device.model,
    ip: req.socket.remoteAddress,
  items: [
      id: product.id,
      price: product.salePrice
      quantity: 1,
  pageId: `PRODUCT_DETAIL_PAGE:${productId}`,
  referrerPageId: `CATEGORY_HOME_PAGE:${categoryId}`,