Changes for Oct 12, 2023

This release includes several enhancements to improve RMP's overall functionality and user experience.


  • Refreshed icon styles in the action column of tables.
  • Standardized text within the activity cell for campaign budget change logs.


  • Categorized Management API error responses for better context and handling. (See guide)
  • Introduced a Spending Limit API. Please contact Moloco staff for a detailed guide.
  • Added DecideAdCreativesBulk to retrieve multiple winning Creatives from ad auctions. Please contact Moloco staff for its use.
  • Item object now includes two additional fields. The id field is no longer mandatory. Instead, either id or item_group_id should be provided.

The RMP team strives to provide the best service with feature updates and improvements. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.